With Merchant Account
Associates' WebConnect for PDAs and Laptops, you can directly
transfer funds from your customer's account into your deposit account
at retail rates! WebConnect uses your PDA's Internet connection to authorize
and transfer funds. Plugins are available for many of the top-tier credit card processors. We offer merchant service API plugins that are compatible with HighRiskMerchants, Herbal Merchant and merchant information.
also offer Cellular Phone Processing - click here.
there is a solution that enables delivery and in-home services, swap meets,
mall shopping carts, taxi or shuttle services to qualify for the same
low credit card processing rates as a traditional retail store!
includes more benefits than a standard credit card terminal, such as:
- the lowest processing
rates for credit card transactions
- Electronic Check
- Low cost, truly
portable package
- Plus, you get all
the Palm timesaver features such as e-mail, date book, web browsing
and more...
Accept Credit Cards
Now you can accept credit cards on your Palm or Palm compatible handheld
with a wireless connection. This function works perfectly with the wireless
Palm VIIx.
Convenience and
Now you do not have to wait until you get back to the office, or read
numbers over the phone while your secretary fumbles with a merchant terminal.
Just swipe the card, enter the amount, press submit, and in under one
minute, you have an authorization!
Wide Ranging Coverage
In cities, the
Palm VIIx has excellent coverage, but if you are in an outlying area,
you can use the Kyocera Smartphone, which is a Palm PDA built into a Sprint
or Verizon Cellular Phone, and is available in your local business and
cellular retail outlets.
For more convenience, your WebConnect account includes Transaction
Central, which provides an easy voids and credits screen and extensive
online account reports.
How Do You Get
Simply call Merchant Account Associates at 1-888-553-9425 ext 10, or fill
out our contact form here. A representative
will usually be in touch within 24 hours.